Monday, May 9, 2011

Simple Life, Simple Update

You might say that this is the first week and days that we have been able to truly relax.  For the last few days, we started out the day with a long walk with the dogs on the beach:
Michelle and the pretty dog
Jay and the good dog
We have come to the realization that when you spend all of your time with your dogs, and must have them on a leash at all time, that you become very familiar with their poop.  It might be one of the early indicators of things that you miss at home - which is a big yard that you don't have to go clean up after them!

The group here is going to a bar called Dick's Last Resort this afternoon, where the servers apparently insult you as they serve you.   We're not so sure what's unusual about that...  It seems that most institutions are that way!  We plan to join them, and we hear it's fun.

Jay is still fooling with his technology (iPhone and MacBook).  It's hard for a Windows user to get it all set up to do everything they are used to.  It's good that we have some "slow time" to dedicate to it all.

Ok.  Simple day, simple update. We will play a little golf this week and head to New Bern, NC on Sunday. 

See ya!

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