Saturday, May 7, 2011

Myrtle, Blessed, Beach

Our arrival was uneventful.
Our first day was uneventful.
Praise the Lord.

We did have some weather on the way up here. It was actually a good data point for us, as the big debate among people who RV is whether or not a Class A (bus) is better than a Fifth Wheel.  You many know that we have had a Class A for over 15 years, and recently went to a fifth wheel.  One of the big differences is the hassle of "setting up" a fifth wheel in the rain.  Well, I am no longer a virgin.

Here was our drive the WHOLE way up here, for 5.5 hours:

It RAINED for 5 straight hours
When we arrived to the campground, we set up at our site in the rain and got the full experience of "doin' it in the rain".  It wasn't that bad, really.  After all, we DO have dry clothes in the RV.

So here is the entrance of the Myrtle Beach Travel Park.  It is a mature park, with many amenities and hundreds of spots for R.V.'s.  We are about 300 yards from the ocean, and the beach is very nice.

We are here to join up with other (weird) folks who have large trucks and R.V.'s.  There are 8 of us here; last year there were 20, I'm told.  The big rally in October, held in Kansas usually draws over 60.  It has been nice to meet a few of the folks that I have only met before on the internet.  Michelle and I are both enjoying them and our shared interests.

 By the way, in case you didn't know, here is our "rig"
Yep.  72' long and a dream to drive.

We had a happy hour tonight, in memory of "Cinco de Mayo", which we all missed.  Michelle made her famous 7 layer dip, which was warmly received by all.

See?  There are other weird folks like us!
The other good news is that Jay actually figured out the cable TV hook up, and we are watching mindless programs in the comfort of our RV. 

We will be here until Sunday, May 15th, and then we leave for New Bern, NC to visit Jay's old assistant from Kansas City (Bev) and her husband Arnie.  We will join them for a "raft up" on their sailboat, which is a huge happy hour among friends with boats.  We are VERY mindful that it is MUCH BETTER to have friends with boats than to own a boat.

Life is good.  Our best to you!

1 comment:

  1. Jay, Michelle-
    Really enjoying your pics and notes. Thanks for sharing. I hope those broken leaf springs will be the last trouble you encounter. This is my very first experience with a blog. Have never sent or recieved until now. Don't quite know if this will go through or not. There is something called a "profile" that seems to be required. Don't know how to use that.
