Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Umm. Boring but Wonderful.

A quick update to let you know that we aren't real newsy right now.  I'm sure Sunday will be jam-packed!

We have spent the last few days getting caught up at the cottage; moving the contents of a LARGE RV into the cottage (you have NO IDEA how many clothes Michelle packed.  NO IDEA).

We played some golf.  We went for a long walk along the ocean.  We enjoyed morning coffee with a warm fire in the fireplace.  Then warm afternoons on the deck.  Then cool evenings with a warm fire again.  Late May in Nova Scotia.  Simply grand.

With the exception of black flies, this is a wonderful place in the world.  Michelle is sporting a number of HUGE bites on her neck and none the happier for it.  Jay's dear cousin Paul explains that the black flies don't bite;  they gnaw.  A lovely mental image.  Of course, this is the same fellow that made us a homemade blueberry pie and confided that he enjoyed making pie crusts from scratch, because when he was done his fingernails were so clean.

Jay has some great cousins!

Michelle departs for Nashville next Wednesday for quartet commitments.  Jay will have a week alone.  He might just have to get some fishin' done.

He'll be just fine.

That's all for now folks.  We are really enjoying our time here.  Our best to you.

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