Sunday, June 26, 2011


I think this says it all....
We had food.

We had song.

We had FUN.

Lots of MacGillivray's and other notable Nova Scotians, Canadians (and a stray Norwegian) along with the WORLD FAMOUS Montagne Sisters and Last Minute converged at Notre Mer to deliver a one-in-a-lifetime event.

The young women of Last Minute (with best friend Kayla, of course) showed their bravery by holding lobsters for the first time -
Kayla, Deidra, Sherida, Becca and Erica gave last rites
to these little guys
In fact, Sherida developed a keen affection for this one:
It tasted great too.

Jay did the annual sacrifice back to the Great Lobster in the Sky.  This fella gets to live for a another season...
Hey - You have to do something
to ensure a bountiful harvest next year!
It started with a big breakfast to get our stomaches good and stretched out for the meal ahead...

Slowly.... slowly... she's becoming

And then Jay gave over 100 lbs of lobster a nice hot tub experience....
He threatened Dee Dee the Dinosaur
with a similar fate if she didn't stop
showing up in his pictures
And of course there was the event itself:
Last Minute was a total WOW
And then that famous group from the 70's:

The Montagne Sisters
Brenda, Michelle, Melissa and Dee-Dee
(Melissa observed that the last time they were coached,
the members of Last Minute weren't even born....)
And you were simply under-dressed if you didn't have this attire!

What?  Who you looking at?
And cousin Paul even sang an old Scottish ballad.  Shazam!  It was a night to enjoy and remember.   Our friends Jim and Bea (the best decorators in Nova Scotia!) joined us, and it was Bea's birthday - so Last Minute gave her some proper birthday wishes!  

We'll try to get some more video for other performance moments, but this gives you a sense of the event.

We are off to Newfoundland on Tuesday.  We'll look for some moosemeat and "fill our boots".

Hope you enjoyed this too!

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