You're going to have to read the blog to understand it.
Long time, no blogee!
There are a few reasons. First of all, this blog site - furnished by Google - changed on me and dagnabit, I don't like change. Don't like it. Don't understand it. Resist it. I'm getting old, and that's all.
Well, that's only partly true. Google did modify the blog software and I DON'T like the way it works as well, but I can live with it. But... it has been one of the reasons I haven't been ambitious to fire up the blog and slog through it.
And we have been "settled" again in the cottage, and life becomes, well, life. Fun of course... and in a beautiful place... but probably not exciting to read about. I mean, if our life was THAT exciting, we would be pure Drama Queens. Yikes. Not that.
Finally, I couldn't find that dang adapter that must be used to transfer photo's from my Canon Rebel camera to the MacBook. You will all be deeply relieved to know that I FOUND IT. And so here we go.
Cousin Ian and wife Kathy have a cottage only 10 minutes from ours. The name "Kathy" and phrase "Let's go to the beach!" are synonymous.
And you thought I couldn't spell synonymous.
Yes, Kathy has a standard battle cry that brings us to the beautiful Summerville beach with pleasant regularity where soccer, body surfing, bocce ball, sandcastle building, and picnics outings occur.
Cousin Janet and husband Pat hate to miss a good party.
On this particular day, we played Bocce Ball on the beach and then returned to Ian and Kathy's cottage for a group dinner of lobster bisque and scallop burgers - a delicious recipe from Kathy's whose family previously owned a restaurant. It's worth the trip here to taste them.
Other days have been spent golfing. Paul and Moie invited us to play with them at the beautiful Chester Golf Club, located in - you guessed it - Chester Bay. It's hard to hit the ball when you are mesmerized by such beautiful surroundings. At least I find that to be a plausible excuse.
I was particularly attracted to the image of this house
which sits quietly by the edge of the bay (and golf course).
After beach, beach, golf, golf and golf, we learned that the Annual Queen's County Fair was being held in Caledonia, NS. Woo Hoo!
The epicenter of all things fun and exciting,
Welcome to The Fair.
I don't know the last time you went to a small-town (or county) fair... but it's good for the constitution. We roamed the (3) barns and looked at the critters -
And we admired the prize winnin' vege-tables.
And Jay even WON AT "TOSS A RING ON THE BOTTLE"!!! And that means you get your choice of any prize. Oh, man, this one makes the highlight reel!
Pretty good form, huh?
See that red ring on the bottle in the middle? Uh huh.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Pretty little Carmen poses with her Nanna (Jay's
cousin Jeanne), and "Carnival", her new pink Unicorn.
Compliments, of course, of "Ringer" Jay Sevigny.
Of course no Fair is complete without the requisite presence of pretty girls and horses.
And finally, the parade. Note the standing room only in the arena.
Even Smokie the Bear made it for the event.
Who knew he was Canadian?
Finally (Hey, many of you ASKED for an update...) we visited the Annapolis Valley Wineries last weekend with Paul and Moie. We learned that there are 13 wineries in Nova Scotia (well, 14 if you count Moie's basement) and we got to visit 6 of them. One of our favorites was Luckett's Vineyards, named after the owner, Pete Luckett. Pete is a very well liked and known grocer/t.v. personality who has opened his own winery. He was actually there when we visited and demonstrated, first hand, what a good owner can do for his business. Just a great guy. He is English, and the signature icon for his winery is the red phone booth, located in the middle of the field among the grapes. You can call anywhere in North America for free from there.
Paul and Moie try out the phone.
In addition to Luckett's, we think our other favorite was Gaspereau Vineyards. They have an awesome barn in which they held a wine tasting upstairs, in addition to a bluegrass band outside, and a real grape-stomping contest.
Gaspereau Vineyards. The wine tasting event was in the barn loft,
where numerous vendors offered their crafts and foods.
Look real close at the woman in the black flowered dress.
Ok, here is a little help...
Who ever said there aren't pretty women in Nova Scotia?
And this is what's left after a whole bunch of stompin'.
And so that is about it, folks! We will have wheel's rolling out of here tomorrow, with a target of being in Michigan on October 5th.
Our final, final stop is planned to be Tennessee at the end of October when we will turn our attention to normal life once again.
Thanks for stopping by, and we hope that things are good with you in your part of the world. Hope to see you sometime soon!